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Walton Parish Council

Walton, A Green & Pleasant Land

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Walton Parish is situated to the southwest of Warrington, adjacent to Stockton Heath. Walton consists of two distinct areas: Lower Walton and Higher Walton. Each of these areas has a distinct history that dates back to medieval times. Those who routinely drive through our Parish along the busy A56 may not be aware of the attractive qualities of Walton as not much of it can be seen from the main road. Of all the Parishes in Warrington, Walton is one of the smallest in terms of resident population and one with the largest area of green spaces, of which we are very proud. Any resident in Walton is only a short walk from open countryside, canal tow paths and some of the most attractive park land in the region.

As a Parish Council we pride ourselves in protecting and nurturing our environment for both current residents and future generations. In recent years we have been proactive in planting trees in all areas of our community and maintaining the visual appearance with regular 'litter picks' through our Litter Network and installing and maintaining flower planters at key road junctions around the Parish. In 2021, Councillors recognised the importance of helping to address the threat of climate change by agreeing to declare a climate emergency at a local level. We are keen to engage with residents on this important issue so that we can all do our bit within our community to help to protect our environment for future generations. Each year, the parish council places an emphasis on tree and hedgerow planting and we have welcome support from local land owners and the staff at Walton Hall & Gardens who have permitted and assisted with the planting of trees.

As part of the betterment work of our Parish Council we are keen to respond to the thoughts and suggestions of residents so please get in touch. In 2022 we published ' Our Heritage ' with information about historical sites in and around Walton. We will be using our website as well as the Parish Newsletter to publicise the Heritage Trail along with local walks that can be enjoyed within the Parish and just beyond.

To find out more about the history and heritage of Walton Parish, visit this page.

© 2024 – Walton Parish Council