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Walton Parish Council

Commemorating the King's Coronation

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In this Coronation year, Walton Parish Council has planted a commemorative tree and will be burying a time capsule, to be unearthed in 2123, one hundred years from now. The location of the time capsule will be clearly marked with a stone plaque. The location for both is on the village green in Higher Walton.

Walton residents are invited to contribute a passport size photograph with their name and address on the back. These photographs, along with other items of memorabilia will be placed in the time capsule for our future generations to rediscover!

If you would like to take part in this community project and become part of our history,

1. Take a passport size photo

2. Write your name and address clearly on the back

3. Post your picture in an envelope marked 'Walton Time Capsule' to our clerk, Mr Ray Hallam, 31 Farnham Close, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 3BG .Or, hand deliver the envelope to one of your parish councillors houses (see the ' who we are' page on the parish website for addresses)

4. Your picture needs to arrive no later than 25th June for it to be included in the time capsule.

Please note that the date for burying the time capsule will be published on the parish website in due course.

© 2025 – Walton Parish Council